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How to choose a house sitting website that meets your expectations and offers available house sitting gigs, requires some investigation.

To help you choose a house sitting website, we have researched the websites listed below. Fees to join range from USD20 to USD120 per annum for house sitting memberships.

Take some time to explore as many as you feel you need to, asking yourself some of the following questions

  • How easy is the website to navigate? Do they make it easy for you to search by location, by dates, by house sit length?
  • Are you looking at house sits in one particular country, or are you seeking wider international opportunities
  • What is the cost of membership? Is it worth paying more if the site offers more opportunities?
  • What is the ratio of a house sits to house sitters? Some sites show you the number of applicants for each house sit.
  • Do you prefer a website that offers a more personalised service?
  • Do they offer additional support such as email alerts?
  • Is there a free trial offer?
TrustedHousesitters.com — The largest house sitting site on the web, and also the fastest growing. It has a lot of UK and European house sits and is also growing in Australia, New Zealand and North America.  We have used this site to get most of our European house sits.  They are the most expensive (US119 annually for both House Sitters and Homeowners) to join but do have a large support team to provide backup.

They have a comprehensive Trust and Safety system with three levels of verification: Basic, Standard and Enhanced.  Verifications include criminal background checks, I.D. verifications and I.D document checks.

Click to receive 20% off your membership

MindMyHouse.com — Has a good number of house sits, and a well laid-out website. House sits are primarily in North America and Europe. They have the lowest annual price for membership at US20 for House Sitters, and it is free for Homeowners.    Mind My House
Housecarers.com — Plenty of good house sits with a focus on Australia, New Zealand, and North America. This site has been in operation since 2000, making it the longest running site we have seen. They have a free limited membership option for House Sitters where you can be notified of house sits, but to apply a full membership is required at US50 per annum. Listings for Homeowners is free.  House Carers
Nomador.com – This site has a heavy European bias owing to its French origins, but has now a large number of international locations.  There is also a “Discovery Option” available for FREE which allows new house sitters to apply for up to 3 assignments. We also like the ‘Stopover’ feature which allows homeowners to offer free accommodation for house sitters in between house sits.  Full membership is US75 per year and free for Homeowners to list.  Nomador
HousesitMatch.com – This is a relative newcomer with the feature of having two different levels of membership for each House Sitters and Homeowners – Basic and Premium. The company prides itself on the personal touch and a team member calls all new homeowner subscribers to help with on-boarding and to share tips for building a compelling profile. Most sits are based in the UK and Australia, but more international locations are being added as the business grows. Membership – Basic £49 US65 per annum and Premium £79 US105 per annum.  House Sit Match
There are a number of country specific websites including:
Kiwihousesitters.co.nz – Focussed on New Zealand house sits, and they had a good amount of house sits when we were looking to book house sits in New Zealand. An annual membership is NZ84 (US60)  Kiwi House Sitters
Aussiehousesitters.com.au – The largest house sitting site for Australia. Very much a sister site to Kiwi House Sitters with the same website layout. Annual membership is AUD84 (US62). Aussie House Sitters
HouseSittersAmerica,com – Focussed entirely on the USA. A very similar layout to HouseSittingUK. Annual house sitters membership is only US30 per annum and is free for homeowners. House Sitters America
HouseSittersUK,co.uk – Focussed entirely on the UK. A sister site to HouseSittersAmerfica. Annual house sitters membership is only £20 per annum and is free for homeowners. House Sitters UK
We hope this has been of help to anyone thinking of house sitting. If you have had some experience housesitting, please share in the comments. You can read about some of our housesitting experiences here Our House Sits

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